2015 Lake Champlain Action Plan – Citizen Recommendations


For Release: Immediate
Regarding: 2015 Lake Champlain Action Plan – Citizen Recommendations
Date: March 27, 2015
Contacts: Julie Moore, Chair, and Lori Fisher, Vice-Chair
Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee (VTCAC) on the Future of Lake Champlain

2015 Lake Champlain Action Plan – Making a Difference for Clean Water

The Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on the Future of Lake Champlain (VTCAC) is charged with making recommendations about the health of the Lake Champlain Basin—recommendations that may benefit other Vermont waters as well.

In anticipation of World Water Week 2015, the VTCAC desires to share citizen perspectives on issues that need immediate action to restore Lake Champlain’s health. Their recently released 2015 Lake Champlain Action Plan emphasizes actions that will provide sustained support for water quality.  These priorities were crafted based on input from a diversity of citizens and watershed groups around the Lake Champlain Basin.  The VTCAC takes public comment regularly at monthly meetings and members are engaged both personally and professionally in discussions about Lake Champlain research and the status of clean water.

Clean water is fundamental to the economy of Vermont including agriculture, tourism, recreation and vibrant businesses.  Vermont’s streams, rivers, in-land lakes and ponds, and Lake Champlain are some of our most precious resources.  Our daily routines often involve robust wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, thoughtful land stewardship, public recreation access, and shoreline and habitat access. Sustained funding for comprehensive water quality improvement is essential to protect and restore Vermont’s waters.

Content of the 2015 report focuses on six priorities:

•  Establish a clean water fund to provide sustainable, long-term funding for necessary water quality improvements
•  Deny Current Use Program benefits if landowners fail to implement the Acceptable Agricultural Practices
•  Establish a risk-based permitting framework to address agricultural runoff
•  Remove a multiple farm operation permit loophole
•  Invest in drinking water plant operational response plans for blue-green algae
•  Ban the sale of personal care products containing microbeads and the anti-microbial triclosan.

The entire 2015 report may be found at this link:


For more information, please contact:
Julie Moore: jmoore@stone-env.com
Lori Fisher: lorif@lakechamplaincommittee.org


Additional Information:

Members of the Vermont Citizens Advisory Committee on the Future of Lake Champlain are:

Julie Moore, Chair, Middlesex, Water Resources Engineer
Lori Fisher, Vice–Chair, Williston, Lake Champlain Committee
Sen. Claire Ayer, Addison County, Huntington, Buels Gore
Eric Clifford, Starksboro, Dairy Farmer
James Ehlers, Colchester, Business Executive
Robert Fisher, Montpelier, Water Resource Recovery Facility, Chief Operator
Paul Hansen, Alburgh, Business Owner
Rep. Bob Krebs, South Hero
Sen. Ginny Lyons, Chittenden County
Alex MacDonald, Lincoln, Builder
Mark Naud, South Hero, Attorney
Denise Smith, St. Albans, Friends of Northern Lake Champlain
Rep. Kate Webb, Shelburne
Sheri Young, Orwell, Septic Design & Environmental Consulting

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