Andrew Schroth

Name: Andrew Schroth
Affiliation: University of Vermont
Department: Department of Geology
Primary Office Location: Burlington, VT
Fields of Interest:

Low temperature biogeochemistry; nutrient and pollutant mobility and cycling in watersheds, lakes, estuaries, and oceans; impacts of global or regional environmental change on biogeochemical systems; nutrient and algal bloom dynamics within the Lake Champlain Basin

Keywords: geochemistry, nutrient dynamics
Phone: (802) 656-3481
  1. Linking Sediment and Water Column Phosphorus Dynamics to Oxygen, Temperature, and Aeration in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes
  2. Using in situ UV-Visible spectrophotometer sensors to quantify riverine phosphorus partitioning and concentration at a high frequency
  3. High-frequency dissolved organic carbon and nitrate measurements reveal differences in storm hysteresis and loading in relation to land cover and seasonality
  4. Climate-driven changes in energy and mass inputs systematically alter nutrient concentration and stoichiometry in deep and shallow regions of Lake Champlain
  5. Coupling of reactive riverine phosphorus and iron species during hot transport moments: impacts of land cover and seasonality

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