LCBP Grant to Reduce Phosphorus Pollution from New York Farm Soils

Grand Isle, VT – The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) seeks proposals to implement practices to reduce phosphorus losses from farm soils in the New York portion of the Lake Champlain Basin in 2023. Up to $25,000 is available to support the program.

These soil-based practices will help reduce phosphorus runoff, a prominent threat to clean water in Lake Champlain. The grant is intended to fund practices that are often under-supported.

Potential projects include but are not limited to the implementation of practices that promote soil health, increase livestock grazing opportunities, and practices that reduce or eliminate phosphorus losses from traditional tillage.

The program will focus on practices that are tailored to the specific conditions of individual farms. These practices will help meet the goals of the farms’ New York Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Tier 3 plan by reducing phosphorus pollution and improving farm viability.

The successful applicant will provide outreach to and identification of farmers near or adjacent to water bodies in the New York portion of the Lake Champlain, provide technical assistance for the implementation of the described soil-based practices, and document projects.

This work will help achieve the Clean Water and Healthy Ecosystem goals of LCBP’s long-term management plan Opportunities for Action ( It is supported by funds awarded to NEIWPCC on behalf of the LCBP by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Proposals are due October 26, 2022 at 12 p.m. The full request for proposals is available on the LCBP website at For more information, contact Myra Lawyer at (518) 897-1241 or


The Lake Champlain Basin Program coordinates and funds efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources. The program works in partnership with federal agencies, state and provincial agencies from New York, Vermont, and Québec, local communities, businesses, and citizen groups. NEIWPCC—a regional commission that helps the states of the Northeast preserve and advance water quality—serves as the primary program administrator of LCBP at the request of the Lake Champlain Steering Committee and administers the program’s personnel and finances. LCBP is a program partner of NEIWPCC. For further information, contact the Lake Champlain Basin Program, 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, VT at (802) 372-3213 / (800) 468-5227 or visit

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