Highlighting Native Aquatic Plants

To raise awareness about the critical role of native aquatic plants in the Lake Champlain Basin, the Lake Champlain Committee (LCC) has developed a suite of educational materials, conducted strategic outreach, and created digital species profiles, all with the goal of increasing understand and appreciation for frequently overlooked aquatic plants.

Over the course of the project, 15 durable pocket-sized plant identification cards were created, each with an accompanying educational sheet. The materials and project message were promoted through a variety of digital channels, virtual and live field walks, and targeted mailings. The materials are also being adapted for use by educators and partners of the Champlain Basin Education Initiative.

Featured species include pond lily, pickerelweed, and bladderwort, among others. LCC selected species ecologically significant to the Lake Champlain watershed, yet often undervalued, underappreciated, or viewed as “weeds.”

Pocket-sized cards paired with in-depth informational sheets provide users with a greater understanding of native aquatic plants. Photo: Kimberly Jensen, VTDEC for Lake Champlain Committee

For natural history notes on some of the featured species, visit the LCC’s Lake Look blog.

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