Organic Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Lake Champlain Basin: A Review of Current Knowledge, 2016

Title: Organic Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Lake Champlain Basin: A Review of Current Knowledge, 2016
Author: Nat Shambaugh
Publication Year: 2021
Number of Pages in Article: 59
Keywords: LCBP Technical Report
Journal/Publication: Lake Champlain Basin Program
Publication Type: Technical and Demonstration

Shambaugh, N. (2016). Organic Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Lake Champlain Basin: A Review of Current Knowledge (Technical Report No. 99). Grand Isle, VT: Lake Champlain Basin Program

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In recent years there has been increasing concern nationwide about the amount of unregulated organic pollutants entering surface waters from storm drains, wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs), and agricultural activities. The presence, environmental fate, and effects of these Organic Contaminants of Emerging Concern (OCECs), have started to receive widespread attention in the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Basin and elsewhere across the country. In the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont, New York, and Québec, there have been several investigations of OCECs in the last 20-30 years. This report seeks to bring all of this information together in one place as a starting point for determining gaps in our knowledge as well as future research and management needs. The emphasis is on reporting the presence, extent, and sources of anthropogenic organic contaminants present in the water column of the Lake Champlain Basin. Summarizing effects on the people and biota of the Champlain Basin is beyond the scope of this work. Whenever possible, raw data is included in this report so that the reader can see exactly what data exists, what is missing, and draw their own conclusions about future needs.

Data is presented on pesticides, industrial wastewater contaminants, hormones, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products found in surface water, drinking water, Wastewater Treatment Facility inputs and effluents. Data has been supplied by state, provincial, university and federal researchers for research projects both recently completed and still on-going.

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