Key points:
Welcome to the Lake Champlain Basin Program Science Blog! This is our new home to post important take-away research findings for partners and stakeholders in the Lake Champlain Basin.
We are launching this blog to make it easier for our partners to digest and use key findings from research on Lake Champlain and its tributaries. LCBP funds several research projects each year with the aim to inform management decisions in the basin and improve water and habitat quality. Our team works closely with a Technical Advisory Committee, a group of leading scientists in the region, to identify and close the most important knowledge gaps. The results of a large body of research supported by LCBP dating back to 1991 is available on our website. Many of our reports include graphs, tables, and interpretation detailed over hundreds of pages.
In this blog, we will highlight just a few of the most important findings at a time and point you to resources to learn more. Each post will include key points that summarize the content for you in a few moments, and a bit more detailed description that will take less than 5 minutes to read.
This blog will join a robust community of writers and doers in the basin. Be sure to visit these resources to learn more about the lake and our partners’ work:
Finally, please feel free to get in touch to provide feedback and suggest topics that you’d like to hear about. We look forward to connecting with you!
-The LCBP Technical Team