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Lake Champlain Basin Program RFP Updates


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Requests for Proposals

Since 1992, the LCBP has awarded more than 1,500 grants totaling more than $17.02 million to local organizations to support a variety of pollution prevention, habitat restoration, and other projects that improve the quality of Lake Champlain. In that same time, the LCBP and its partner organizations also have funded numerous projects conducted by universities, consultants, research foundations, nonprofit organizations, and others. These projects include scientific research, best management demonstration projects, education and outreach efforts, and other initiatives that are key to implementing Opportunities for Action.

Visit our Grantee Toolkit page for grant writing resources, and as always, please contact us with questions about your grant application.


(click the grant category for more details, including sub-categories)

Recurring/Annual GrantsRelease DateDue Date
Clean Water and Healthy Ecosystems
Research Projects
Fall 2024TBD
Clean Water and Healthy Ecosystems
Planning and Implementation Projects
Summer 2024TBD
Education and Outreach - LargeFall 2024TBD
Education and Outreach - SmallFall 2024TBD
Organizational SupportFall 2024TBD
New York Organizational Support and Workforce DevelopmentFall 2024TBD
Stream WiseFall 2024TBD
Artist-in-Residence ProgramsFall 2024August 5th, 2024
Programmes de résidence d’artistes Fall 2024TBD
Cultural Heritage & RecreationVisit the CVNHP website
Ongoing GrantsRelease DateDue Date
Professional Development Mini-grantsongoingongoing
Educator Mini-grantsongoingongoing
Project RFPs
Communities with Disadvantages LiaisonFebruary 12, 2024May 9, 2024
Land Acquisition and ConservationFebruary 12, 2024July 17, 2024
Lake Champlain Watershed Economic AssessmentMarch 23, 2023May 8, 2023


Clean Water and Healthy Ecosystems Research Projects (up to $300,000)

These grants support for projects to further the mission of the LCBP and address the research tasks outlined in our management plan, Opportunities for Action. Eligible organizations include colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, and municipalities in the U.S. and Canada.

Clean Water and Healthy Ecosystems Planning and Implementation Projects

CLEAN WATER – Small grants for IMPLEMENTATION (up to $50,000)
CLEAN WATER – Large grants for IMPLEMENTATION ($50,001 – $200,000)

These grant categories supports projects that will improve water quality and directly result in the reduction of water pollution in the Lake Champlain Basin (U.S. and Québec). Eligible organizations include colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, and non-federal/non-state government agencies.

CLEAN WATER – grants for PLANNING (up to $75,000)

This grant category supports projects that will provide planning, design, or prioritization for future water quality improvement projects in the Lake Champlain Basin (U.S. and Québec). Eligible organizations include colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, non-federal/non-state government agencies, and for-profit companies.


These grant categories support Projects that will preserve, restore, or improve native species habitat in the Lake Champlain Basin (U.S. and Québec).


This grant category supports projects that will directly prevent the spread aquatic invasive species or manage their impacts in the Lake Champlain Basin (US and Québec).


This grant category supports projects that will directly lead to improved aquatic organism passage in the U.S. portion of the Lake Champlain Basin.

Education and Outreach

These grants support projects that address strategies and tasks outlined in the Informed and Involved Public chapter of Opportunities for Action

Education and Outreach – Small (Up to $15,000)

Education and Outreach – Large ($15,000 to $50,000)

Organizational Support

(up to $20,000)

These grants support projects that will support increased organizational capacity and long-term effectiveness of watershed organizations working to implement elements of Opportunities for Action.

Stream Wise

(up to $15,000)

These grants are available to organizations who wish to partner with Stream Wise and conduct Stream Wise assessments in the communities they serve during the 2024 season.

New York Organizational Support and Workforce Development

(up to $150,000)

This grant category is to assist organizations focused on water quality or watershed ecosystem health working in the New York portion of the Lake Champlain basin to strengthen their organizational capacity. Requested funds should be applied to environmental-related activities, workforce development, or professional development support. Please see the LCBP’s annual Organizational Support grant opportunity to apply for funding to support administrative-related organizational capacity needs.

Lake Champlain Basin Artist-in-Residence Programs

This grant category will support development of sustainable Artist-in-Residence programs that will recruit artists to obtain and use scientific data, cultural trends, or historical facts to increase interpretation of natural resources within the Lake Champlain basin. Requests of up to $40,000 will be accepted. Please note than a Request for Proposals for Québec-based projects will appear below when available.

Applicants must submit proposals via Foundant no later than 12pm (noon) on August 5th, 2024.


Watershed Association Professional Development Mini-Grants (up to $500/year)

These mini-grants provide professional development funds for the staff and volunteers of qualified watershed organizations in the Lake Champlain Basin, to cover expenses such as travel, meals, registration and accommodations at meetings, conferences, workshops and other venues designed to enhance the organizations’ capacity to operate.

Download the Watershed Association Professional Development Mini-Grants: Instructions, Application & Reimbursement Form

Educator Mini-grants (up to $1,ooo)

These mini-grants provide educators with funds to buy materials for their classroom that will aid in teaching students about Lake Champlain Basin issues. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Download the Educator Mini-Grants: Instructions, Application & Reimbursement Form →



Communities with Disadvantages Liaison

The Patrick Leahy Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), in coordination with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Communities with Disadvantages Liaison grant program. This grant program aims to support efforts to engage, develop, or continue to strengthen relationships with Communities with Disadvantages in the Lake Champlain Basin. Successful projects will engage Communities with Disadvantages in discussions, planning, or implementation efforts to identify and address water quality, habitat, recreation, or access concerns in the Lake Champlain watershed. This grant opportunity will support direct engagement over multiple years to build relationships with Communities with Disadvantages to identify and elevate the needs and concerns of communities that face barriers to accessing or participating in water quality improvement programs and processes.

Up to $400,000 is available to support this program. This grant opportunity is supported by funds awarded to NEIWPCC on behalf of LCBP by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  

General questions submitted by April 15, 2024, and LCBP’s responses will be posted on the LCBP website at this link on a rolling basis as questions are received. LCBP will also host question-and-answer sessions on this RFP on March 11th at 1:00 pm (register here) and on March 25th at 9:00 am (register here). Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an information session and are welcome to contact Mae Kate Campbell to discuss project ideas before proposal submission.

Applicants must submit proposals via Foundant no later than 12pm (noon) on May 9, 2024.

Land Acquisition and Conservation

The Patrick Leahy Lake Champlain Basin Program and NEIWPCC are pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the acquisition of land or conservation easements on land located in the U.S. portion of the Lake Champlain Basin.

Awards from this competition will support projects resulting in the acquisition of the fee simple interest or conservation easements that provide high value in furtherance of LCBP’s Clean Water, Healthy Ecosystems, Thriving Communities, or Informed and Involved Public Goals. Such projects include the acquisition of lands or conservation easements that protect or improve water quality and aquatic habitat, mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, or provide climate resiliency. Opportunities for increasing access for public recreation will be considered as a co-benefit, but not a primary benefit, of land acquisition or conservation easements support through this program.

Eligible organizations are entities authorized by the corresponding State law (New York or
Vermont) to hold conservation easements or property titles within these jurisdictions. These entities may include land trusts, not-for-profit organizations, or non-federal/non-state government entities.

Requests for funds solely to support stewardship costs associated with existing conserved lands will not be considered.

Up to $6,000,000 is available to support awarded projects. Each applicant may request a
minimum of $100,000 up to a maximum of $2,000,000 for an individual proposal. Multiple
proposals will be accepted from a single organization in response to this RFP.

Applicants must submit proposals via Foundant no later than 12pm (noon) on July 17, 2024.

Lake Champlain Watershed Economic Assessment

The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), in coordination with NEIWPCC, is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for services to perform an economic assessment of major watershed-related uses, economic sectors, and economic impacts of these sectors to the Lake Champlain basin. The purpose of this project is to measure and communicate the economic value that Lake Champlain and the clean water and healthy ecosystems of its watershed provides to the regional economy. The results of this project will provide a credible economic analysis and public facing outreach materials. The results of this valuation will be used in reports and publications by the Lake Champlain Basin Program and partners including the US EPA. This comprehensive, multisector study will update and expand previous economic studies in the region. This study may lead to additional work in this sector. 

Eligible organizations include colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, and non-federal/non-state government agencies.   

Up to approximately $200,000 is available to support the awarded project. The LCBP anticipates offering one (1) award for this RFP.  

Applicants must submit proposals via the online form below no later than 12 pm (noon) on Monday May 8, 2023.  

View a list of recently closed RFPs, or search our Publications Database to read the technical reports that have resulted from past projects.

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