While it sometimes may seem that the actions of one person will not make much difference, the little things we do each each day—the little decisions we make—can collectively have a huge impact in improving the quality of our environment. Don’t have the time to volunteer or join a local watershed group? Explore here for actions that you can take as part of your everyday routine.
Much of the rain that falls on our towns flows off impervious surfaces into storm drains and then the nearest waterway. Simple steps can help the rain soak in.
Learn how to slow the flow
Many common household cleaners are toxic to people, pets, and the environment. Try these environment friendly recipes for a clean home and a clean outdoors!
More on Lake-Friendly Cleaning Products
The little things add up. On your boat, under your car, or under your kitchen sink, these tips can help reduce the pollution you release into the Lake.
Get Save the Lake Tips
Many homeowners do not realize the impact lawn care can have on the environment. It IS possible to have a beautiful yard while being lake-friendly.
Get Lawn and Garden Care Tips