Lake Champlain Basin Program Seeks Pre-Proposals for Clean Water and Healthy Ecosystems Research

Grand Isle, VT – The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), in partnership with NEIWPCC, is pleased to announce a request for pre-proposals for research projects that will improve understanding of water and ecosystem resources in the Lake Champlain Basin and guide effective management. Proposed projects should be planned to begin in early 2024. The total request for each project may range from $25,000 to $300,000. A subset of successful applicants will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal for further consideration. All awards are subject to available funding.

Research pre-proposals should support the Clean Water or Healthy Ecosystems goals outlined in Opportunities for Action, the Lake Champlain Basin Program’s management plan. For this request, the LCBP is particularly interested in funding projects that address any of the following research priorities:

  • Research to understand the root causes of environmental trends in the Lake Champlain Basin, including in-lake trends and tributary loading trends.
  • Research to increase understanding of groundwater transport of nutrients and contaminants in the Lake Champlain Basin through monitoring and modeling efforts.
  • Research to develop innovative watershed or in-lake management approaches likely to improve water quality, including engineering solutions, socio-economic studies, and/or cost-benefit analyses for proposed approaches.
  • Research to develop new and innovative aquatic invasive species spread prevention programs and control technologies capable of addressing real and potential aquatic invasive species impacts, including sea lamprey, to the Lake Champlain ecosystem and fishery, human health, and the regional economy.
  • Research to improve understanding of aquatic invasive species impacts to Lake Champlain’s ecosystem and economy under climate change predictions.

Projects will be supported with Federal Fiscal Year 2023 funds awarded to NEIWPCC by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act Section 120 base funding and with Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding support and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in support of the Lake Champlain Basin Program. This request for pre-proposals is available at the Lake Champlain Basin Program website. Applicants must submit pre-proposals no later than 12pm (noon) EST on November 11, 2022.


The Lake Champlain Basin Program coordinates and funds efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources. The program works in partnership with federal agencies, state and provincial agencies from New York, Vermont, and Québec, local communities, businesses, and citizen groups. NEIWPCC—a regional commission that helps the states of the Northeast preserve and advance water quality—serves as the primary program administrator of LCBP at the request of the Lake Champlain Steering Committee and administers the program’s personnel and finances. LCBP is a program partner of NEIWPCC. For further information, contact the Lake Champlain Basin Program, 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, VT at (802) 372-3213 / (800) 468-5227 or visit

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