Professional Development Workshop for Educators

Teaching Place: Using technology and professional wisdom to uncover the interrelationships between natural and built systems

Grand Isle, VT – The Champlain Basin Education Initiative (CBEI) will host a professional development workshop for Vermont, New York, and Québec educators on Saturday, January 24, 2015 in Burlington, Vermont from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CBEI will focus on designing student investigations of the places we live using a variety of technologies. Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux, UVM Professor of Climatology & Vermont State Climatologist, will deliver the keynote presentation “Nimble and Active: Using Technology to Respond to Real World Events in a Changing Climate.” Participants in small group workshops will work photography, video, web mapping, GIS/geospatial technologies, and other digital tools. The fee for Teaching Place is $20 and pre-registration is required by January 22nd.

The Champlain Basin Education Initiative has provided professional development opportunities for more than 450 educators since 1991. CBEI partners include: the Lake Champlain Basin Program, Shelburne Farms, VT Department of Environmental Conservation, UVM Watershed Alliance – Lake Champlain Sea Grant, Our Curriculum Matters, Lake Champlain Committee, ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center at the Leahy Center for Lake Champlain and several New York and Québec partners. For further information, contact Colleen Hickey, LCBP, at (802) 372-3213, 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, Vermont or check the details on the WatershED matters website: target=”_blank”>Flyer


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