Storm Wise

Runoff from homes and properties can be a significant source of sediment, phosphorus, and other pollutants. Several organizations in the Lake Champlain Basin provide property assessments to identify opportunities to reduce runoff. These organizations also recognize and showcase exemplary properties.

Storm Smart

Storm Smart is a FREE program that works with property owners throughout the Mad River Valley to protect roads and waterways by finding ways to slow down, spread out, and sink in stormwater.
Visit the Storm Smart web page →

Ahead of the Storm

Ahead of the Storm showcases examples of positive land stewardship that treats stormwater runoff from driveways, fields, parking areas, and lawns throughout the LaPlatte watershed region.
Visit the Ahead of the Storm web page →

Blue BTV

BLUE BTV educates and collaborates with residents to identify opportunities for stormwater mitigation and encourage behavior changes to help protect our waters from cyanobacteria blooms.
Visit the Blue BTV web page →

Lake George Lake Protector

The Lake Protector Program helps residents, businesses, and visitors take actions that protect Lake George. The program addresses several threats to water quality, including stormwater runoff.
Visit the Lake Protector web page →

Rethink Runoff

Rethink Runoff provides instructions, workshops, and events that help residents identify and make changes to everyday actions that contribute to stormwater runoff in our communities.
Visit the Rethink Runoff web site →

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