Climate Change in the Champlain Basin

Title: Climate Change in the Champlain Basin
Author: Curt Stager, Mary Thill
Publication Year: 2010
Number of Pages in Article: 44
Journal/Publication: Other
Publication Type: Technical and Demonstration
Stager, J.C., M. Thill, (2010.) Climate Change in the Champlain Basin. The Nature Conservancy.

The Champlain Basin has a long and varied environmental history that includes the slow climatic oscillations of Ice Ages, the comings and goings of countless species, and a period roughly 10,000 years ago when the valley was an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. Today, the region is entering a new phase of its history in which humans play a major role in determining what lives here and even what the local weather is like. Significant climatic changes, which most scientists agree are now driven primarily by human-generated greenhouse gases, are already under way in the Champlain Basin.

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