Refinement of Critically Needed Assessment Tools for Tile Drainage Phosphorus Loading in the Lake Champlain Basin

Title: Refinement of Critically Needed Assessment Tools for Tile Drainage Phosphorus Loading in the Lake Champlain Basin
Author: Michael Winchell
Publication Year: 2020
Number of Pages in Article: 163
Keywords: LCBP Technical Report
Journal/Publication: Lake Champlain Basin Program
Publication Type: Technical and Demonstration
Winchell, M. Stone Environmental. (2020). Refinement of Critically Needed Assessment Tools for Tile Drainage Phosphorus Loading in the Lake Champlain Basin (Technical Report No. 96). Grand Isle, VT: Lake Champlain Basin Program
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The goal of this project was to develop a robust APEX model capable of representing edge-of-field P loads (both via surface transport and tile drainage) and to use this model to investigate the impacts of innovative manure management technologies on P loads. This work addresses the need for quantification of P loads from tile drain flow under various conditions, as well as provides a basis for comparing P load from tile flow and surface runoff, and for evaluating factors influencing P movement in tile drainage. It also provides a quantitative assessment of the potential value of manure management technologies in reducing P loads from agricultural fields. Innovative manure management may play a role in improving water quality outcomes at the farm and basin-scale.

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